November 2015 Newsletter

All kinds of good stuff in this month’s newsletter: From Where I Sit… Karen Salas gets personal with Mariah Shope Japanese Gospel Choir Thank You from Junko Saito Thanksgiving Communion Turkey Bowl Christmas Events Monthly Prayer Requests And a special recipe “Autumn...

October 2015 Newsletter

All kinds of good stuff in this month’s newsletter: From Where I Sit… Karen Salas gets personal with Juana Jimenez Tank & Big Mama by Kat Kirtz Japanese Gospel Concert Deep Water from Susan Mayo Monthly Prayer Requests And a special recipe...

Latest from Patty Morris in France

Patty’s Praises & Prayer Requests – June 2015  Greetings once again from Villeurbanne! Can you believe that next month I will have lived in my same apartment for 21 years?! God is good and faithful, and I’m privileged to have the opportunity to continue to...

Wisdom from Solomon | Ecclesiastes

Sunday, we took a special look & listen to King Solomon’s wisdom in the last book of his trilogy — Ecclesiastes. Listen to the message online Check out the Powerpoint for the message online Ecclesiastes – New Living Translation PDF To Listen to...

Summer 2015 Newsletter

From Where I Sit Hi! Karen Salas here…From my seat, at my desk and in the Body, I have the rare privilege of seeing you lovely people live your lives with HIM. I am in awe of you!     Most of you know, the LORD is moving our beloved Cropps to Seattle. Steve is...