by mike jentes | Aug 21, 2018 | Missions, News
I’m back! & Gospel choir 2018 Fall has started! Hello friends! It seems to be a hot summer everywhere this year. How is everything going? I always thank you for your prayer and support! It really means a lot to me. I’ve returned to Long Beach safely from the...
by mike jentes | Aug 20, 2018 | News
Our Preschool playground needs some tender loving care (TLC) for the new school year … you and your family can bring that TLC! Bring a rake, shovel, and/or wheel barrow(s) and gloves if you have them! Help spread the wood chips to make our preschool playground...
by mike jentes | Aug 16, 2018 | Missions, News
Last night in Stillwater, Minnesota, a celebration of 10 years of Tutapona shined! One of our own, Carl & Julie Gaede founded this mission which brings trauma counseling to Uganda and Iraq currently. Our church has been behind them from the beginning and last...
by mike jentes | Aug 9, 2018 | News
What a privilege to have Grace Bible Mission leaders Nathan Steele & Joseph Ela share with us on Sunday August 5th during the worship service. Grace Bible Mission 2018 from Nathan Steele on Vimeo. Listen to the presentation from Sunday August 5th online here:...
by mike jentes | Aug 8, 2018 | News
Invite your friends, your neighbors, and our whole neighborhood! Let’s have a good time with some food, fun and a movie together! Our last Movie Night of the summer is FRIDAY August 10 at 7pm. Because of the heat, we will host the movie and meal in the basement...
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