Family Meeting Breakfast

Family Meeting Breakfast

Because of the success of last year’s Family Meeting Breakfast, we want to do it again this year! We are delighted to announce our annual Family Meeting on Saturday May 19th for our entire church family. And because our church family likes to “wrap a meal around...
McGinnis Memorial Contributions

McGinnis Memorial Contributions

The McGinnis family has designated a fund — McGinnis Memorial Fund — for Memorial Gifts to honor Mike that would be tax-deductible donations to Los Altos Grace Brethren Church. You may donate online with below button: or to send a check (with...
Latest News from Junko

Latest News from Junko

Thank you for your prayer and support! Time has past quickly. I feel like celebrating new year was just the other day, but it already February! Where should I start reporting from? Well, my trip to Japan visiting my family during New year’s holiday was blessed....
Patty Morris January Prayer Update

Patty Morris January Prayer Update

January 25, 2018 Dear friends, below is a quick update with some prayer requests for your perusal:  ·         On Tuesday, January 30th (9:30 GMT+1) I will have oral surgery for the infection that has bothered me since last April. The root canal was not sufficient to...
Merry Christmas from Char Hauser

Merry Christmas from Char Hauser

Dear Friends at Los Altos, As the year 2017 comes to an end, my heart is so grateful for your partnership financially, prayerfully and encouragingly (is that a word)?. Thank you for joining me and making it possible to step into the lives of young military wives and...
6 Favorite Christmas Scriptures shared on Sunday

6 Favorite Christmas Scriptures shared on Sunday

6 different people from our church family shared short messages on their favorite Scripture passages about the Christmas Story on Sunday, December 17th! Mike Jentes – Bethlehem – Micah 5:2 Teresa Friedman – Great Light – Matthew 4:16 Mike...
Great Report from Junko Saito

Great Report from Junko Saito

  Cornerstone Gospel choir concert and our spring semester was finished with blessing! Thank you for your prayer and support! We could finish our Gospel choir’s spring concert on May 13th with blessing. We had a wonderful workshop, concert and reception after...
Prayers for Tutapona

Prayers for Tutapona

Dear Los Altos Grace, Thank you so much for your incredible support, generosity, and encouragement.  We know we’re not alone – you’ve been walking with us!  Each day we do our best to move forward faithfully, knowing God has called us to this journey, that He...
Char Hauser Featured Missionary for February

Char Hauser Featured Missionary for February

Our beloved Char Hauser is our Featured Missionary for the month of February.  She wrote us a letter to share with us about all that the Lord is doing in and through her! February 11, 2017 Dear friends at Los Altos Grace, I wish I could be there with you there in...