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ClosePhil Helfer - May 26, 2019
Navigating God’s Will-Acts 18

Acts 18 Paul’s travels bring him to Corinth. He spends time in the synagogue trying to persuade the local Jews to believe in Jesus as the Messiah. The Jews prove to be difficult listeners, going as far as to “oppose Paul and become abusive” (verse 6). Paul chooses to limit his frustrations and instead focuses his efforts in Corinth on the Gentiles instead. God, always aware of our mental state and more than willing to send us some comfort, sends a message to Paul: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. 10 For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city” (Verses 9-10). This spurred Paul to stick around for another year and a half! Eventually, there is a list of people in Corinth and Ephesus (Aquila, Priscilla, Crispus “and his entire household”, Apollos) who are moved by the Spirit and spread the gospel of Jesus with vigor. As Pastor Phil told us, “If you have the Holy Spirit, God has stuff for you to do. He provides grace, tools, and preparation for you to go on with… All you have to do is be available, open your mouth when directed to, and watch what God does.” God is ready for you to impact the lives of the people around you. Are you?
Scripture References: Acts 18:1-28
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