District Women’s Retreat

SOUTHERN CAL/ARIZONA DISTRICT WOMEN OF GRACE Calvary Chapel, Murietta Hot Springs HOPE YOU ARE SAVING THE DATE 50th ANNIVERSARY ENGLISH SPEAKER:  Maureen Schaffer THEME:  “Faithful and True All the Way Through” SPANISH SPEAKERS:  Alfonso & Maria Ramirez THEME: ...

Men’s Regional Retreat

BBC Men’s Retreat 2019 Our theme this year is ‘Take Action’ coming from James 1:22, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” June 21-23 2019//PineCrest Christian Camp//$139 Register...

Junior High Summer Kick-Off

Please drop off your student at Los Altos Grace at 6 PM on June 7. We will go to an Angel Game at 7 PM and be back to Los Altos at 11 PM. On Saturday we will go see Aladdin at the AMC Marina Pacifica Theater and then head over to Seal Beach. Please pick up your...