Here is a place to get info on our church expression — Circles of Grace — in the greater Long Beach/Lakewood area. You can contact us at [email protected]
Sunday Circle Gathering
This Sunday January 5th at 10:30am we will circle up together at the Jentes Residence to continue to engage with the Gospel of Luke and encourage one another.
After our time sharing with one another, we will also share a potluck lunch together. Bring a dish to share, we will provide paper products and some drinks. Feel free to head on to your day as you need, but make some time to enjoy one another for lunch and beyond as well!
Habits for Growing Your Spiritual Life:
Lately we have been talking with one another about developing our habits for growing. We’ve simplified it to four things that we are asking about weekly and encouraging one another in:
- Talk & Listen to God
- Learn & Live the Bible
- Be Devoted to a “Jesus Family” (church)
- Tell & Show Others about Jesus
We are about following Jesus and doing it together. What’s your plan to grow closer to God in these habits during the coming week?
We encourage tools like Life Transformation Groups, 33 Things that Happen at the Moment of Salvation, Bible Reading Plans and other Bible Studies. We have the above tools and even a Bible for you if you don’t have one! Let us know how we can help you- email

Check out our Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/CirclesGrace
If you are already in the loop with us and want to join our private Facebook Group send us an email at [email protected]

- We value an authentic and loving relationship with God.
- We believe that people are the priority, because they are unique and special to God.
- We believe the Bible, God’s love letter, is the actual Word of God to the human race.
- We value an expanding network of authentic and loving relationships with people, so we can care for one another well.
- We believe in life transformation–a super-natural moving from where you are to being all God wants you to be.
- We value GlobaLocal mission— that is, local and global sending— to reach pockets of people in SoCal and all over the global village.
- We believe in the multiplication of disciples, leaders, churches, and communities.
Support This Work:
If you would like to donate to support this new work, you may do so by Text: send a text with “$amount circles” to (562) 200-0946
(example: “$50 circles” would be a $50 donation, you can pick your own amount).
Or Give Online – select “Church Plant/Circles of Grace” from dropdown box
If you feel more comfortable, you are welcome to send/drop off a check to:
“Los Altos Grace Church”
6565 E. Stearns Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
Please designate “Circles Of Grace” on the Memo Line.d