All are welcome!

We want to invite you to connect with a Grace Group to experience a fuller expression of church life here at Los Altos Grace.
There are many types of small groups (task groups centered around working together on a particular task for a particular season, or homogeneous groups such as men’s, women’s, youth groups) but a Grace Group has a few specific goals and traits that make it unique.

Natural. We like to meet with people we like to be with… its only natural. We all need to eat anyway so let’s eat a meal together. We study the Bible together but its not just a Bible study. We pray for each other but its not just a prayer meeting. We go to each other’s events but its not just a social gathering. We support each other through difficult times but its not just a support group. We are meeting to grow as disciples of Jesus together, to live out God’s Grace together.
Timed. It’s a group of people gathering for 10 weeks. If the group would like to continue after 10 weeks that is great but you are only committing to this for a 10-week period. Usually a group will do three 10 week sessions in a year.
Intergenerational. We are hoping to start more groups that are intergenerational. An intergenerational group has a Facilitator, Host and Worship Leader and they are focused on families with children. An example of an agenda for this group is:
- Meet for dinner (take turns providing the meal).
- Have a time of worship and an ice-breaker question with children and adults together.
- While adults have their Bible Discussion, have a separate kids time/age appropriate bible study, game and craft in a different room led by an adult or two –older kids can help younger kids- (take turns, not every adult will want to teach the kids and that is okay).
- Pair up and pray for each other.
- Come back together for dessert.

Bible Based. Questions for Grace Groups are available here -see below-. Also questions are printed and available on a table in the back of church Sunday mornings. Questions are designed for Bible discussion which makes it possible for us to equip many people to facilitate.
Multipliable. As a group grows it multiplies. Those who participate in a Grace Group agree from the beginning that we meet for each other but also to serve our community and that means inviting new people into the group and starting new groups when possible.
If you would like to be part of a new Grace Group, fill out and submit this form…
If you are interested in helping to facilitate, host or lead worship for a Grace Group, please contact Amy Dahms or Phil Helfer for more information!
Tools for Group Leaders:
Weekly Sermon Questions
- Believe and Keep Believing. Galatians 3:1-14 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2020-02-02
- The Gospel of Grace. Galatians 2:1-10 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2020-01-19
- Pray to Not Lose Heart. Luke 18 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-11-24
- Don’t Be Like This Guy. Matthew 18 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-11-3
- Wise & Foolish Builders. Matthew 7 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-10-27
- Weeds, Pearls and Fish. Matthew 13 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-10-20
- The Parable of the Workers. Matthew 20 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-09-29
- The Upside-Down Kingdom. Mark 8:27-9:1 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-09-22
- Automatic Growth. Mark 4 continued... Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-09-15
- The Kingdom of God… It’s Like This. Parable of the Sower Mark 4 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-09-08
- Declaring the Kingdom. Acts 28 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-09-01
- Calm in the Storm. Acts 27 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-08-25
- When 2 Years Had Passed... Acts 24 Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-07-14
- Take Courage! Acts 23: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-07-07
- Telling Your Story, Telling His Story. Acts 22 Week of June 23: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-06-23
- Whatever it takes to get to Jerusalem. Acts 21 Week of June 16: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-06-16
- Courage for the Task. Acts 20 Week of June 9: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-06-09
- “In this way…” Acts 19 Week of June 2: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-06-02
- “Navigating God’s Will” Acts 18 Week of May 26: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-05-26
- “He is not far from each one of us…” Acts 17 Week of May 19: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-05-19
- One Thing Leads to Another. Acts 16 Week of May 12: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-05-05
- An Unusual, Usual Day. Acts 15 Week of April 28: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-04-28
- He is Risen Indeed! Week of April 21: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-04-21
- Hosanna in the Highest! Week of April 14: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-04-14
- Jesus Last Conversations Week of April 7: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-04-07
- “The Holy Spirit Said…” Week of March 31: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-03-31
- When God Answers, Am I Paying Attention? Week of March 24: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-03-24
- Criticism Turns to Acceptance Week of March 17
: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-03-17 - Outsiders are Welcomed In Week of March 10: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-03-10
- When Jesus Intervenes Week of March 3
: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-03-03.docx - What if I Did What God Told Me To Do? Week of February 24:Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-02-24
- Ears to Hear: Our Spiritual History and Why it Matters -Week of Feb. 17:Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2019-02-17
- Ears To Hear: Full of Grace and Power – Week of Feb. 10: Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-02-101.pdf
- Ears To Hear: Let’s Be Honest – Week of Feb. 2:Â Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-02-03.pdf
- Ears To Hear: When God Shakes Things Up – Week of Jan 27:Â Grace-Groups-Bulletin 2019-01-27 PDF
- Ears To Hear: Walk – Week of Jan 20: Grace Groups Bulletin 2019-01-20 PDF
- Ears To Hear: Happy Birthday Church – Week of Jan 13:Â Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2019-01-13 PDF
- Laying Aside Privileges This Christmas – Week of Dec 16:Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-12-16 PDF
- Mary’s Song, Our Song – Week of Dec 9: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-12-09 PDF
- Immanuel: God With Us – Week of Dec 2:Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-12-02 PDF
- Hospitality  Week of Nov 18: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-18-11 PDF
- Living Without Fear: Hope Conquers Fear Week of Nov 11: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-11-11 PDF
- Living Without Fear: Approaching God with Confidence Week of Nov 4: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-11-4 PDF
- Living Without Fear: Finding Jesus in Fearful Times Week of Oct 21: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-10-21 PDF
- Living Without Fear: Rest in the Midst of Fear Week of Oct 14:  Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-10-14 PDF
- Living Without Fear: In Fearful Times Week of Oct 7:  Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-10-07 PDF
- Living Without Fear: No Fear in Love!  Week of Sept 30: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-09-30 PDF
- Living Without Fear: Matthew 6Â Week of Sept 23:Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-09-23 PDF
- Living Without Fear: Hebrews 2Â Week of Sept 16:Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-09-16 PDF P
- Walking With Jesus- Knowing Him Better: Week of July 22Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-07-22 PDF
- Walking With Jesus- The Way of the Cross: Week of July 8Â Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-07-08 PDF
- Walking With Jesus- Grace!: Week of July 1Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-07-01 PDF
- Walking With Jesus– Balancing the Relationships of Life: Week of June 24Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-06-24 PDF
- Walking With Jesus– Choosing to Learn from Life: Week of June 17Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-06-17 PDF
- Walking With Jesus- Jesus Our Teacher: Week of June 10Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-06-10 PDF
- Walking With Jesus- The DNA of a Disciple: Week of June 3Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-06-03 PDF
- Devoted to What is Good from Titus 3: Week of May 27Â Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-05-27 PDF
- Standing in the Gap for the Underdog: Week of May 20Â Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-05-20 PDF
- Mother’s Day and More from Titus 2: Week of May 13Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-05-13 PDF
- Introduction to Titus: Week of May 6 Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-05-06 PDF
- Remember Me God | Nehemiah 13: Week of April 29 Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-04-29 PDF
- Rejoicing | Nehemiah 11-12: Week of April 22
- Proclaiming God’s Greatness | Nehemiah 9: Week of April 15Â Grace-Groups-Bulletin-2018-04-15 PDF
- Submitting To The Word | Nehemiah 7-8: Week of April 8: Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-04-08 PDF
- Easter Sunday: Week of April 1Â Grace GroupsBulletin-2018-04-01-Easter PDF
- Palm Sunday-Hosanna in the Highest: Week of March 25Â Grace Groups-Bulletin-2018-03-25-PalmSunday PDF
- Strength for the Test | Nehemiah 6:Â Week of March 18Â GraceGroupsBulletin 2018-03-18 PDF
- Enemies on the Inside | Nehemiah 5:Â Week of March 11Â GraceGroupsBulletin 2018-03-11 PDF
- Opposition to the Cause | Nehemiah 4: Week of March 4 GraceGroupsBulletin 2018-03-04 PDF
- Stirring of the Heart | Nehemiah 2-3: Week of February 25Â GraceGroupsBulletin 2018-02-25 PDF
- Prayer In Action | Nehemiah 1-2 : Week of February 18Â GraceGroupsBulletin-2018-02-18 PDF
- The Story of John, by Neil Cole:Â Week of February 11Â Â GraceGroupsBulletin 2018-02-11 PDF
- Sin Brings Destruction, but Grace Brings Life: Week of February 4Â Â GraceGroupsBulletin-2018-02-04 PDF
- Gracious Hand of God: Week of January 28Â Â GraceGroupsBulletin-2018-01-28 PDF
- Foundation of the Altar: Week of January 21Â GraceGroupsBulletin-2018-01-21 PDF
- Starting the Story in Ezra 1: Week of January 14Â Â GraceGroupsBulletin-2018-01-14 PDF
If these kind of groups don’t fit what you are looking for, there are all sorts of other groups & ministries to be part of… check out this page >>