• Prayer is a priority and foundation in all we do


  • Encourage personal worship through prayer, study, song and obedience

  • Provide opportunities for corporate worship utilizing a wide variety of styles and methods


  • Foster an environment conducive to the development of deep abiding relationships

  • Provide an environment where members have opportunities to meet each other’s needs

  • Provide opportunities for the body to “be together”


  • Encourage and facilitate personal ministry according to the gifts and passions of individual believers

  • Utilize flexible methodology based on needs, effectiveness and God’s direction

  • Practice people sensitive planning


  • Provide opportunities for believers to increase their knowledge of the truth

  • Provide opportunities for believers to put their knowledge into practice

  • Encourage personal Bible study and quiet times

  • Encourage and facilitate redemptive relationships

  • Encourage and facilitate ministry participation


  • Encourage each believer to make evangelism an integral part of their lifestyle

  • Train each member of the body to use their unique gifts and abilities in evangelism

  • Incorporate outreach into every ministry program

  • Implement programs designed to bring believers and unbelievers together in the same place at the same time

  • Focus on planting churches as a means of expanding the kingdom


  • Model both vision and values through personal example

  • Continue growing in grace and the knowledge of the truth

  • Empower leaders to take action

  • Create ownership of ministry

  • Seek consensus and foster unity

  • Motivate, empower, resource and mobilize believers for ministry


  • Provide for individuals to develop and practice leadership skills

  • Provide structures for coaching and encouraging

  • Provide ongoing training, resourcing and encouragement of existing leaders

  • Implement an intern program based on the Leadership Harvesting model (A “Leadership Harvesting model” is a fancy way to say we are looking to grow individual leaders in a “natural” or “organic” way rather than a “school” or “factory” model with a “cookie-cutter” emphasis.)