Check out a collage of some our baptisms here:

If you are interested in being baptized, talk to any church leader, email or call the church office (562-596-3358) or talk to Pastor Phil.

Also if you know you want to be baptized, here is a practical and detailed Guide for those Wanting to Be Baptized at Los Altos Grace [PDF].

The Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 asks disciples to not only be baptized, but to be baptizers.  Here is a Guide for Baptizers at Los Altos Grace [PDF]

People get baptized to tell others they have joined God’s Family.

Acts 2:41 Then those people who accepted what Peter said about Jesus were baptized.

Acts 19:5 Paul explained to them about believing in Jesus. Then they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Most of us can remember at least one special Christmas when we received a certain gift we had hoped so much for. It was exciting to open that one gift of love. We could hardly wait to tell others about what we had received.

Just like opening that special gift you received at Christmas, there is excitement when Christ comes into our lives bringing His special gift of eternal life. It is so special that we will want to tell others about it.

Romans 6:23 tells us that God gives us a free gift—life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Baptism is a special way of showing your family, friends, neighbors and the whole world that Jesus is in your life and you are a member of His family.

Find out more by downloading and reading the short booklet:

Baptism? Answering the Whats & Whys Booklet (PDF)Â